Welcome Jesus Revival Retreat

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Fall-themed decor with stenciled letters reading "Welcome Jesus"

But whom say ye that I am?

Matthew 16:15b

As we finished the first quarter of the 2023-2024 school year, we took a step back to focus on what our school is all about — leading students to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and preparing them to serve Him and fulfill His purpose in their lives. To do that, we needed to ensure that all of our students know who Jesus is.

“Welcome Jesus” was the theme of our three-day, on-campus revival retreat. Each morning, all students, many of their parents, our teachers, and staff met in the auditorium for worship and a sermon. Through engaging stories and preaching, visiting Pastor Herschberger (affectionately nicknamed Pastor Hamburger) went back to the basics and taught us about who Jesus Christ is, how one can accept Him as his or her personal Savior, and what it means to truly live for Him.

Welcome Jesus Revival, Fall 2023

After worship, students gathered in Connection groups with their teachers, where personal reflections and responses to the day’s preaching brought more meaning and depth to unity through prayer. Following the Connection groups, everyone gathered together again for games, fellowship, and lunch.

It was a lovely and blessed week for all of WCA! The Lord is doing wonderful things in our school, and we are so excited to see what He has planned for our second quarter. Please continue to join us in prayer as we move forward into this season!

Revival Photos