Parents Are With uS, parent-teacher fellowship

About PAWs

PAWs, Wade Christian Academy’s parent-teacher fellowship, is made up of our students’ families that volunteer to help build a sense of community among parents, teachers, and students. They come together to organize social events and family-oriented activities, such as:

  • Lunch with my Pastor
  • Fall Festival
  • Penny Drive
  • Veterans Appreciation Lunch
  • Thanksgiving Lunch
  • Valentines Bake-off and Auction
  • Donuts with Dad
  • Muffins with Mom
  • Field Day Grill and Snacks
  • and more!

PAWs Officers

  • Brett Nichols, President
  • Colleen Throndson, Business Manager
  • Rebecca Mincey, Secretary
PAWs Logo

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28, KJV

Join PAWs

PAWs is always grateful for parents and family members to join and serve our school. If you’d like to join PAWs, contact us today!

PAWs Pictures